Tuesday, 04 March 2025

About BOSH

Spirit of BOSH

BOSH is a biennial event that is organised by NIOSH Malaysia in its aim to discuss the current issues and challenges in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). It has served as the premiere platform for OSH professionals in Malaysia to share and update their OSH knowledge and skills to meet the dynamic changes in Malaysian working environment particularly in Borneo.

BOSH brings together regulators, practitioners, experts, researchers and suppliers towards a common aspiration which is to achieve a safer and healthier workplace for all.

This conference will address current and likely future concerns or development in the field of OSH relevant to the workers and the industries. It is our objective to get every organisation/ corporation/ company to be part of the event as it will be the catalyst to the development and promotion of OSH in Malaysia.

Hence, we would like to invite your esteemed organization to be part of this event by joining the conference. We strongly believe that your company’s commitment to safety and health will bring huge benefits to the company’s productivity and image as well as to facilitate OSH promotion in Malaysia.

 “Industry Transformations : OSH Engagement for future skills and works”
