Tuesday, 04 March 2025

BOSH Presenter


BOSH brings together regulators, practitioners, experts, researchers and suppliers to share their experience and expertise in their respective fields by invitation parallel with the theme “Industry Transformations : OSH Engagement for future skills and works”

BOSH Plenary

Topic 1 : Department Of Occupational Safety & Health - (DOSH)

Topic 2 : Social Security Organization- Socso

Topic 3 : National Institute of Occupatinal Safety and Health - (NIOSH)

BOSH Concurrent

Concurrent 1 : BOMBA - Sarawak

Concurrent 2 : Sarawak Energy Berhad -  Sarawak

Concurrent 3 : NIOSH Certification Sdn Bhd – NCSB, Bangi

Concurrent 4 : NIOSH Malaysia -  NIOSH CRD, Bangi

Concurrent 5 : NIOSH Malaysia – NIOSH CRD, Bangi

Concurrent 6 : SHELL MDS – Bintulu, Sarawak

Concurrent 7 : NIOSH Malaysia – NIOSH SSCD, Bangi

Concurrent 8 : Sabah representative

Concurrent 9 : Sabah representative

Concurrent 10 : Telekom Malaysia - Sarawak



Day 2, BOSH Plenary: NIOSH Sabah representative

Day 3, BOSH Concurrent: Room 1: NIOSH Sabah representative

Day 3, BOSH Concurrent: Room 2: NIOSH Sabah representative
