Monday, 03 March 2025

NIOSH Membership

AGM 2024


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Thirty-First (31st) Annual General Meeting of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) will be held on 13th June 2024 at 10 am at Dewan Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, Tingkat 2, Menara NIOSH, Lot 1, Jalan 15/1, Seksyen 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

1. Notice of Annual General Meeting

2. Annual Report 2023

3. Financial Report 2023


  • To bring together a group of people who are dedicated, committed, knowledgeable and has the will to contribute, in a professional manner, towards enhancing occupational safety and health in Malaysia.
  • Ordinary membership is open to individuals who are Malaysian citizens and corporations incorporated under the Companies ACT 1965 or organisations set up under the Societies ACT 1966 which have the same or similar objectives or an interest in achieving the Institute’s objectives.

  • Non-citizens may be admitted as Associate Members but shall have no voting rights and shall not be eligible to hold any office.

  • Applications for membership shall be in the prescribed from addressed to the Executive Secretary.

  • Membership for corporations is limited to companies approved but the Board and does not include subsidiary companies. Subsidiaries are required to submit separate applications for membership. As such, membership benefits are only given to the registered company. This is also applicable to companies which are members of a society/ body with NIOSH membership. Benefits of membership are only given to the society/ body and does not extend to its members. Members are required to submit separate applications for membership.

  • Corporate membership entities the corporation to submit names of up to three nominees as members to represent them.

  • Successful application will be officially informed and payment for membership fee should be made within 3 months offer the approval.
Individual Membership:
  • Who has been practising in the area of occupational safety and health for at least 5 years and has the desire to promote OSH to a higher level; or
  • Has contributed significantly in the area of policy development and implementation, research and teaching of OSH.
Corporate Membership:
  • A corporation which has successfully implemented the OSH-MS and the system is recognised by NIOSH.
  • A non-governmental organisation (NGO) whose main objective for its inception is to promote OSH amongst its members.

An individual or corporation may be admitted to be a member of NIOSH by invitation at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Invitation will be by the virtue of his / her / their contribution towards OSH and / or NIOSH. Members admitted by the invitation are exempted from paying the joining fee or the annual membership fee.

  • The duration of membership is one [1] calendar year.
  • Applications for membership approved before June 30 are required to pay the full yearly fee. Those approved after July 1, are required to pay half the yearly fee for the first year.


Terms and Conditions

  • Every member shall be bound to further, to the best of his abilities, the objectives and interests of the institute and shall observe all the rules and regulations of the institute.

  • All members shall be entitled to reasonable access to the premises of the institute and to information and advice with regard to the objects of the institute as the Board may deem expedient to supply.

  • No rights or privileges of any member shall be in any way transferable or transmissible, and such right and privileges shall cease upon the member ceasing to be such, whether by death, retirement or otherwise.

  • The Liability of members is limited. Every member of the institute undertakes to contribute to the assets of the institute in the event to fit being wound up while he is a member or within one year after he ceased to be a member of the payment of the debts and liabilities of the institute, contracted before he ceased to be a member, and of the costs changed and expenses of winding up, and for adjusting the rights of the contributories among themselves such amount as may be required, not exceeding the sum of Ringgit One Hundred (RM100.00) only.

  • If upon the winding up or dissolution of the institute, there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property what so ever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the members of institute, but shall be given or transferred to the Director General of Inland Revenue.

  • Every member shall pay the yearly membership fee due of them before 31st December for the subsequent year.

  • Members who fail to pay the membership fees six (6) months from the date of expiry of membership shall be suspended. Membership will only be continued after settlement of the outstanding fees. If payment is not made other twelve (12), months from the the date of expiry, membership will be terminated.

  • A member of the institute shall automatically cease to be a member if he/she:

    • is convinced of any sizeable offence and sentenced to a line of / exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Two Thousand (Rm2,000.00) or imprisonment exceeding twelve (12) months or
    • is adjudged a bankrupt or is wound up or dissolved or shall make any composition or arrangement with his creditors; or
    • is found or declared to be of unsound mind; or
    • is engaged in any profession prohibited by the disciplinary body of the profession from continuing to practice.
  • Any person so ceasing to be a member may be readmitted to membership by the Board of its direction. However, no person so ceases to be a member shall be readmitted within a period of one year.

  • Any member who fails in the observance of any of the rules and regulations of the institute may have his / her membership terminated by resolution voted by a majority of the Board members present of an ordinary or special Board Meeting. Such member shall have seven (7) clear days’ notice sent to him of the Board Meeting and he may attend to answer any changes mode against him. However, he that not be present at the voting or participate in the proceedings otherwise allowed by the Board.

  • A member whose membership is terminated in the aforesaid manner may within seven (7) clear days after the written decision. Such review may be made of an ordinary or special Board Meeting attended by at least two thirds of the Board members. The decision of the Board shall be final.

  • Any person who ceases to be a member shall forfeit all right to claim from the institute or its properties of funds. The Executive Secretary shall forthwith, remove his name from Register of Members.

  • Any member of the institution who desires to ceases to be a member, shall notify such desire in waiting to the Executive Secretary, and there upon his / her name shall be removed from the Register or Members.

  • The institute reserves the right to change, amend or update the Rules and Regulations of membership from time to time as deemed necessary by the Board without prior notice to the members.



Membership Benefits

  • Membership of NIOSH Library provides access to the over 10,000 references and collections OSH titles and including  CD-ROMs and video tapes.

  • Free copies of  NIOSH FYI and OSH Journal latest in OSH  updates and information.

  • Enjoy attractive discounts far the courses organised by NIOSH.

  • Share information and experiences with other OSH practitioners On the latest events and developments locally and overseas through  our Annual National Conference (COSH) and  other OSH activities.

  • Opportunity to participate in our OSH seminars, roadshows, workshops, conferences and exhibitions.
Institut Keselamatan dan  Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negeri (NIOSH)
Tel : +603 8769 2100 / +603 8769 2111
Website :
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Membership Registration

Click HERE to register.

