Monday, 23 December 2024

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

Consultation 1 (About Us)

Consultation is one of NIOSH core activities in the effort of elevating and improving OSH in the workplace. As the preferred partner in industries, NIOSH continuously emphasizes on the quality of the consultation services provided to meet the clients' requests.

Consultation Management Center (CMC)

Consultation Management Centre (CMC) consolidates and facilitates consultancy services carried out by Consultation, Research and Development Department (CRDD). We are committed to validate client's risk assessment through approved method that produce scientific evidence. CRDD offers a wide range of consultancy services in meeting the requirements of OSH law and legislation as well as good practice as follows:

Regulatory Compliance
OSH Solutions
Advisory Services
Technical Services



Consultation 2 (OSH Regulatory Compliance Services)


No Program Khidmat Rundingan
Consultancy Program
Kod Program
Program Code
1 Chemical Health Risk Assessment CHRA
2 Chemical Exposure Monitoring CEM
3 Inspection And Testing Of Local Exhaust Ventilation System LEV
4 Indoor Air Quality IAQ
5 Noise Risk Assessment NRA
6 Translation Of SDS SDS
7 Audiometric Testing And Analysis ATA
8 Lung Function Test & Analysis LFT
9 Medical Surveillance MS
10 Medical Surveillance + chemical MSC